Manar Moursi Website
Storm Over Cairo
Published by Edition Fink, Zurich
Architecture, Book
Sidewalk Salon: 1001 Street Chairs of Cairo Co-authored with David Puig
Co-published by Onomatopee, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, and Kotob Khan, Cairo, Egypt
Architecture, Book
Concrete Shores: Illusions and Desires of Total Control on the Littoral Edge of Egypt Published in Coastal Architectures and Politics of Tourism Leisurescapes in the Global Sunbelt, eds. Sibel Bozdoğan, Panayiota Pyla and Petros Phokaides, Routledge, London, UK. (Originally presented as a paper at the Society of Architectural Historians conference, March 2021)
Architecture, Book chapter
"They Put in Their Stomach a Summer Watermelon" Published in Fabrikizeitung Nr. 369: A Watermelon Must be Listened to, eds. Noha Mokhtar and Huber/Sterzinger, Zurich, CH
Architecture, Book chapter