Manar Moursi Website
Deliciosa! Cairo, Milan, 2014
In a city with many recently settled rural-urban migrants, where attachment to the land and the greenery of the delta and Nile Valley villages remains strong, residents often seek to recreate this lush environment in their patios and indoor spaces. Among the most popular indoor plants is the Monstera genus, known for its distinctive leaves. The Monstera-inspired tables which I designed in 2014 draw their formal inspiration from the unique Monstera deliciosa leaves, with their fenestrations and heart-shaped forms.   

The wooden Deliciosa table features a tabletop meticulously crafted from a wood plate, designed to mimic the intricate patterns and fenestrations of the Monstera leaf. The wood surface highlights the natural grain and texture, providing a warm and organic feel. The cutouts in the tabletop replicate the natural holes and splits in a Monstera leaf, adding a touch of elegance and lightness. The table stands on slightly tapered wooden legs, ensuring stability and complementing the natural aesthetic of the tabletop. The legs are detachable, making the table practical for storage and transport without compromising its structural integrity or visual appeal. In contrast, the metal Deliciosa table presents an arguably more modern interpretation. The tabletop is made from a metal plate, intricately cut to create the leaf pattern, and then embedded in clear plexiglass. This combination of materials results in a durable surface that showcases the delicate, leaf-like patterns while providing a contemporary look. The metal table stands on slender, metallic legs.

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